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Model code is written to a readable, transport format. This transport format can be useful for (1) breaking connection to NONMEM modeling outputs that are imported by $NMXML or $NMEXT and (2) saving model updates (e.g., an updated parameter list). Models can be read back using mread_yaml() or converted to mrgsolve cpp format with yaml_to_cpp().


mwrite_yaml(x, file, digits = 8)



a model object.


output file name; if non-character (e.g., NULL), no output will be written to file.


precision to use when writing outputs.


A list containing data that was written out to the yaml file, with added item file, is returned invisibly.


Parameters and omega and sigma matrices that were imported via $NMXML or $NMEXT will be written into the yaml file and the NONMEM import blocks will be dropped. This allows the user to load a model based on a NONMEM run without having a connection to that output (e.g., root.xml or root.ext). Given that the connection to the NONMEM modeling outputs is broken when writing to yaml, any update to the NONMEM run will only be propagated to the yaml file when mwrite_yaml() is run again.

The yaml file does not currently have the ability to track other external dependencies, such as user-defined header files or other code that might be sourced in by the user when the model is loaded via mread(). NONMEM xml and ext files imported by $NMXML or $NMEXT are the only external dependencies that are accounted for in the yaml transport file.


mod <- house()

temp1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".yaml")

x <- mwrite_yaml(mod, temp1)

#>   [1] "source: mrgsolve::mwrite"                                                 
#>   [2] "mrgsolve: 1.5.1"                                                          
#>   [3] "format: yaml"                                                             
#>   [4] "version: 1.0"                                                             
#>   [5] "model: housemodel"                                                        
#>   [6] "prob:"                                                                    
#>   [7] "- '# `mrgsolve` housemodel'"                                              
#>   [8] "- This model is compiled with `mrgsolve`."                                
#>   [9] "- '  - Author: Metrum Research Group, LLC'"                               
#>  [10] "- '  - Description: Generic indirect response PK/PD model'"               
#>  [11] "- '  - Covariates: Weight, female sex'"                                   
#>  [12] "- '  - Random effects: CL, VC, KA, KOUT'"                                 
#>  [13] "- '  - Error model: exponential'"                                         
#>  [14] "- ''"                                                                     
#>  [15] "- '# Model Annotations: '"                                                
#>  [16] "- ''"                                                                     
#>  [17] "- 'block     name    descr                      unit     '"               
#>  [18] "- '--------  ------  -------------------------  ---------'"               
#>  [19] "- 'PARAM     CL      Clearance                  L/hr     '"               
#>  [20] "- 'PARAM     VC      Volume of distribution     L        '"               
#>  [21] "- 'PARAM     KA      Absorption rate constant   1/hr     '"               
#>  [22] "- 'PARAM     F1      Bioavailability fraction   .        '"               
#>  [23] "- 'PARAM     D1      Infusion duration          hr       '"               
#>  [24] "- 'PARAM     WTCL    Exponent WT on CL          .        '"               
#>  [25] "- 'PARAM     WTVC    Exponent WT on VC          .        '"               
#>  [26] "- 'PARAM     SEXCL   Prop cov effect on CL      .        '"               
#>  [27] "- 'PARAM     SEXVC   Prop cov effect on VC      .        '"               
#>  [28] "- 'PARAM     KIN     Resp prod rate constant    1/hr     '"               
#>  [29] "- 'PARAM     KOUT    Resp elim rate constant    1/hr     '"               
#>  [30] "- 'PARAM     IC50    Conc giving 50% max resp   ng/ml    '"               
#>  [31] "- 'PARAM     WT      Weight                     kg       '"               
#>  [32] "- 'PARAM     SEX     Covariate female sex       .        '"               
#>  [33] "- 'CMT       GUT     Dosing compartment         mg       '"               
#>  [34] "- 'CMT       CENT    Central compartment        mg       '"               
#>  [35] "- 'CMT       RESP    Response                   unitless '"               
#>  [36] "- 'CAPTURE   DV      Dependent variable         ng/ml    '"               
#>  [37] "- 'CAPTURE   CP      Plasma concentration       ng/ml    '"               
#>  [38] "param:"                                                                   
#>  [39] "  CL: 1.0"                                                                
#>  [40] "  VC: 20.0"                                                               
#>  [41] "  KA: 1.2"                                                                
#>  [42] "  F1: 1.0"                                                                
#>  [43] "  D1: 2.0"                                                                
#>  [44] "  WTCL: 0.75"                                                             
#>  [45] "  WTVC: 1.0"                                                              
#>  [46] "  SEXCL: 0.7"                                                             
#>  [47] "  SEXVC: 0.85"                                                            
#>  [48] "  KIN: 100.0"                                                             
#>  [49] "  KOUT: 2.0"                                                              
#>  [50] "  IC50: 10.0"                                                             
#>  [51] "  WT: 70.0"                                                               
#>  [52] "  SEX: 0.0"                                                               
#>  [53] "init:"                                                                    
#>  [54] "  GUT: 0.0"                                                               
#>  [55] "  CENT: 0.0"                                                              
#>  [56] "  RESP: 50.0"                                                             
#>  [57] "capture:"                                                                 
#>  [58] "- DV"                                                                     
#>  [59] "- CP"                                                                     
#>  [60] "omega:"                                                                   
#>  [61] "  data:"                                                                  
#>  [62] "    matrix1:"                                                             
#>  [63] "      row1: 0.0"                                                          
#>  [64] "      row2:"                                                              
#>  [65] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [66] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [67] "      row3:"                                                              
#>  [68] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [69] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [70] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [71] "      row4:"                                                              
#>  [72] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [73] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [74] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [75] "      - 0.0"                                                              
#>  [76] "  labels:"                                                                
#>  [77] "    matrix1:"                                                             
#>  [78] "    - ECL"                                                                
#>  [79] "    - EVC"                                                                
#>  [80] "    - EKA"                                                                
#>  [81] "    - EKOUT"                                                              
#>  [82] "  names: '...'"                                                           
#>  [83] "sigma:"                                                                   
#>  [84] "  data:"                                                                  
#>  [85] "    matrix1:"                                                             
#>  [86] "      row1: 0.0"                                                          
#>  [87] "  labels:"                                                                
#>  [88] "    matrix1: EXPO"                                                        
#>  [89] "  names: '...'"                                                           
#>  [90] "envir: []"                                                                
#>  [91] "plugin: base"                                                             
#>  [92] "update:"                                                                  
#>  [93] "  start: 0.0"                                                             
#>  [94] "  end: 120.0"                                                             
#>  [95] "  delta: 0.25"                                                            
#>  [96] "  add: []"                                                                
#>  [97] "  atol: 1.0e-08"                                                          
#>  [98] "  rtol: 1.0e-08"                                                          
#>  [99] "  ss_atol: 1.0e-08"                                                       
#> [100] "  ss_rtol: 1.0e-08"                                                       
#> [101] "  maxsteps: 20000.0"                                                      
#> [102] "  hmax: 0.0"                                                              
#> [103] "  hmin: 0.0"                                                              
#> [104] "  mxhnil: 2.0"                                                            
#> [105] "  ixpr: 0.0"                                                              
#> [106] "  mindt: 2.22044605e-15"                                                  
#> [107] "  digits: -1.0"                                                           
#> [108] "  tscale: 1.0"                                                            
#> [109] "  outvars:"                                                               
#> [110] "  - GUT"                                                                  
#> [111] "  - CENT"                                                                 
#> [112] "  - RESP"                                                                 
#> [113] "  - DV"                                                                   
#> [114] "  - CP"                                                                   
#> [115] "set:"                                                                     
#> [116] "  end: 120.0"                                                             
#> [117] "  delta: 0.25"                                                            
#> [118] "code:"                                                                    
#> [119] "- $PLUGIN"                                                                
#> [120] "- base"                                                                   
#> [121] "- ' '"                                                                    
#> [122] "- $GLOBAL"                                                                
#> [123] "- '#define CP (CENT/VCi)'"                                                
#> [124] "- '#define INH (CP/(IC50+CP))'"                                           
#> [125] "- typedef double localdouble;"                                            
#> [126] "- ' '"                                                                    
#> [127] "- $MAIN"                                                                  
#> [128] "- F_GUT = F1;"                                                            
#> [129] "- D_CENT = D1;"                                                           
#> [130] "- double CLi   = exp(log(CL)   + WTCL*log(WT/70) + log(SEXCL)*SEX + ECL);"
#> [131] "- double VCi   = exp(log(VC)   + WTVC*log(WT/70) + log(SEXVC)*SEX + EVC);"
#> [132] "- double KAi   = exp(log(KA)   + EKA);"                                   
#> [133] "- double KOUTi = exp(log(KOUT) + EKOUT);"                                 
#> [134] "- RESP_0 = KIN/KOUTi;"                                                    
#> [135] "- ' '"                                                                    
#> [136] "- $ODE"                                                                   
#> [137] "- dxdt_GUT = -KAi*GUT;"                                                   
#> [138] "- dxdt_CENT = KAi*GUT - (CLi/VCi)*CENT;"                                  
#> [139] "- dxdt_RESP = KIN*(1-INH) - KOUTi*RESP;"                                  
#> [140] "- ' '"                                                                    
#> [141] "- $TABLE"                                                                 
#> [142] "- double DV = CP*exp(EXPO);"                                              
#> [143] "- ' '"