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This model is used in a lot of package tests, but it can be useful to support user experimentation as well.





passed to update().


A packmod object, ready to simulate.


mod <- mrgsolve::house()

#> Model file:  housemodel.cpp 
#> $PROB 
#> # `mrgsolve` housemodel
#> This model is compiled with `mrgsolve`.
#>   - Author: Metrum Research Group, LLC
#>   - Description: Generic indirect response PK/PD model
#>   - Covariates: Weight, female sex
#>   - Random effects: CL, VC, KA, KOUT
#>   - Error model: exponential
#> $PLUGIN base
#> $PARAM @annotated
#> CL   : 1    : Clearance  (L/hr)
#> VC   : 20   : Volume of distribution (L)
#> KA   : 1.2  : Absorption rate constant (1/hr)
#> F1   : 1.0  : Bioavailability fraction (.)
#> D1   : 2.0  : Infusion duration (hr)
#> WTCL : 0.75 : Exponent WT on CL
#> WTVC : 1.00 : Exponent WT on VC
#> SEXCL: 0.7  : Prop cov effect on CL
#> SEXVC: 0.85 : Prop cov effect on VC
#> KIN  : 100  : Resp prod rate constant (1/hr)
#> KOUT : 2    : Resp elim rate constant (1/hr)
#> IC50 : 10   : Conc giving 50% max resp (ng/ml)
#> $PARAM @annotated @covariates
#> WT   : 70   : Weight (kg)
#> SEX  :  0   : Covariate female sex
#> $CMT @annotated
#> GUT  : Dosing compartment (mg)
#> CENT : Central compartment (mg)
#> RESP : Response (unitless)
#> 0 0 0 0
#> $SIGMA @labels EXPO
#> 0
#> $SET end=120, delta=0.25
#> #define CP (CENT/VCi)
#> #define INH (CP/(IC50+CP))
#> typedef double localdouble;
#> $MAIN
#> F_GUT = F1;
#> D_CENT = D1;
#> double CLi   = exp(log(CL)   + WTCL*log(WT/70) + log(SEXCL)*SEX + ECL);
#> double VCi   = exp(log(VC)   + WTVC*log(WT/70) + log(SEXVC)*SEX + EVC);
#> double KAi   = exp(log(KA)   + EKA);
#> double KOUTi = exp(log(KOUT) + EKOUT);
#> RESP_0 = KIN/KOUTi;
#> $ODE
#> dxdt_GUT = -KAi*GUT;
#> dxdt_CENT = KAi*GUT - (CLi/VCi)*CENT;
#> dxdt_RESP = KIN*(1-INH) - KOUTi*RESP;
#> double DV = CP*exp(EXPO);
#> $CAPTURE @annotated
#> DV: Dependent variable (ng/ml)
#> CP: Plasma concentration (ng/ml)

mod %>% ev(amt = 100) %>% mrgsim() %>% plot()