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Replicate a list of events into a data set


ev_assign(l, idata, evgroup, join = FALSE)




list of event objects


an idata set (one ID per row)


the character name of the column in idata that specifies event object to implement


if TRUE, join idata to the data set before returning.


used to pass arguments from assign_ev to ev_assign


ev_assign connects events in a list passed in as the l argument to values in the data set identified in the evgroup argument. For making assignments, the unique values in the evgroup column are first sorted so that the first sorted unique value in evgroup is assigned to the first event in l, the second sorted value in evgroup column is assigned to the second event in l, and so on. This is a change from previous behavior, which did not sort the unique values in evgroup prior to making the assignments.


ev1 <- ev(amt = 100)
ev2 <- ev(amt = 300, rate = 100, ii = 12, addl = 10)

idata <- data.frame(ID = seq(10)) 
idata$arm <- 1+(idata$ID %%2)

ev_assign(list(ev1, ev2), idata, "arm", join = TRUE)
#>    time amt cmt evid rate ii addl ID arm
#> 1     0 300   1    1  100 12   10  1   2
#> 2     0 100   1    1    0  0    0  2   1
#> 3     0 300   1    1  100 12   10  3   2
#> 4     0 100   1    1    0  0    0  4   1
#> 5     0 300   1    1  100 12   10  5   2
#> 6     0 100   1    1    0  0    0  6   1
#> 7     0 300   1    1  100 12   10  7   2
#> 8     0 100   1    1    0  0    0  8   1
#> 9     0 300   1    1  100 12   10  9   2
#> 10    0 100   1    1    0  0    0 10   1