A Complete Example

We had a user who was learning mrgsolve ask for a “complete example”. I wasn’t sure what exactly that meant, but I created this example and I’m sharing it today on the blog.


Kyle Baron


January 1, 2017

We had a user who was learning mrgsolve ask for a “complete example”. I wasn’t sure what exactly that meant, but I created this example and I’m sharing it today on the blog.

This is an invented example to illustrate features and workflow for mrgsolve. If you attend one of our training workshops, we work examples using published models to answer real questions you’ll encounter in drug development. So compared to the workshop material, this is a bit contrived. But I wanted to show how you might tackle a problem involving a population model from end to end.


1 Population PK model

  • One compartment with first order absorption
    • There are no ODEs in this model; the system is advanced for each time step through closed-form equations for the amount in each compartment
  • Covariates: weight on clearances and volumes, sex on volume
  • Log-normally distributed random effects on CL, V, and KA
  • Reduced bioavailability fraction for oral doses
  • Lag time for oral doses
  • Combined additive and proportional error model
    • Note: we resimulate residual error variates using simeps until the simulated concentration is positive

Here’s the model specification

code <- '
$PARAM TVCL = 1.23, TVV = 35.7, TVKA = 1.3
F1 = 0.82, ALAG = 1.21
WT = 70, SEX = 0

double CL = TVCL*pow(WT/70,0.75)*exp(ECL);
double V  = TVV*(WT/70)*exp(EV);
double KA = TVKA*exp(EKA);

if(SEX==1) V = V*0.8;

F_GUT = F1;


0.015 0.2 0.5

0.03 230

capture IPRED = CENT/(V/1000);
capture DV = IPRED*(1+PROP)+ADD;

while(DV < 0) {


Compile and load the model

We use mcode_cache here, which caches the model when you compile. If the cache is not invalidated, mrgsolve loads from the cache next time rather than re-compiling.

mod <- mcode_cache("demo", code)
Building demo ... done.

2 Input data set

  • N=2000 patients are simulated in this example
  • We simulate patient-level weight and sex using the dmutate package
  • We create a flag in the data set for patients with weight greater than 90 kg
  • Patients with weight less than 90 kg get a certain dose while patients with weight greater than 90 kg get a higher dose
  • Dosing proceeds Q24H x 10 doses
idata <- 
  data_frame(ID=1:2000) %>% 
  mutate_random(WT[50,110] ~ rnorm(80,30)) %>% 
  mutate_random(SEX ~ rbinomial(0.7)) %>%
  mutate(dosegr = as.integer(WT > 90))
Warning: `data_frame()` was deprecated in tibble 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use `tibble()` instead.
# A tibble: 2,000 × 4
      ID    WT   SEX dosegr
   <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <int>
 1     1  52.6     0      0
 2     2  83.7     1      0
 3     3  51.9     1      0
 4     4  94.7     0      1
 5     5  97.8     1      1
 6     6  57.1     1      0
 7     7 101.      0      1
 8     8  73.0     0      0
 9     9  56.3     1      0
10    10  69.7     1      0
# … with 1,990 more rows

The dosing elements are implemented through event objects.

ev1 <- ev(amt=100, ii=24, addl=9)
ev2 <- ev(amt=150, ii=24, addl=9)

The assign_ev function looks at the dosegr column in idata and assigns a dosing event sequence (e1 or e2) based on the value of dosegr.

data <- assign_ev(list(ev1,ev2),idata,"dosegr")

  time amt ii addl cmt evid ID
1    0 100 24    9   1    1  1
2    0 100 24    9   1    1  2
3    0 100 24    9   1    1  3
4    0 150 24    9   1    1  4
5    0 150 24    9   1    1  5
6    0 100 24    9   1    1  6

NOTE: this is just one way to set up a data_set for mrgsolve. It might not be the best approach for your problem: maybe it’s too complicated, maybe not complicated enough. See other examples in the blog about creating input data sets or using event objects in your simulations.

3 Simulation

  • We “carry” (copy) the dose group indicator into the simulated output (carry_out)
  • Also, we only collect observation records in the output (obsonly)
  • mrgsolve respects the seed you set in R using set.seed so that results are reproducible

out <- 
  mod %>% 
  data_set(data) %>%
  idata_set(idata) %>%
  carry_out(dosegr) %>%
  mrgsim(delta=1, end=360, obsonly=TRUE)

Model:  demo 
Dim:    722000 x 9 
Time:   0 to 360 
ID:     2000 
    ID time dosegr      GUT  CENT    WT     CL IPRED      DV
1:   1    0      0  0.00000  0.00 52.56 0.9589     0   19.92
2:   1    1      0  0.00000  0.00 52.56 0.9589     0   12.37
3:   1    2      0 29.31933 51.23 52.56 0.9589  3236 1954.41
4:   1    3      0  7.97557 68.80 52.56 0.9589  4345 5355.78
5:   1    4      0  2.16955 70.36 52.56 0.9589  4443 3438.75
6:   1    5      0  0.59017 67.74 52.56 0.9589  4278 3689.13
7:   1    6      0  0.16054 64.18 52.56 0.9589  4053 4843.27
8:   1    7      0  0.04367 60.52 52.56 0.9589  3822 5287.74

4 Output presentation

  • For some plots, we use a plot method for mrgsims objects (the object that is returned from the mrgsim function
  • For the other plots, it’s really just turning the mrgsims object into a data.frame and have at it with ggplot2
  • Other than the quickie lattice-based plot method that I only use for quick looks at the output, mrgsolve (by design) lets you use packages like dplyr or data.table or ggplot or other great R packages that are already out there for summarizing and plotting data
  • But notice that mrgsolve provides methods for sending the mrgsims object directly into a dplyr data summary pipeline

This shows the plot method for mrgsims objects

plot(out, IPRED+DV~., subset=ID==10)

The mrgsims object can be passed right into dplyr::filter

tr <- filter(out, time==240)

Simulated day 10 concentration versus patient weight by dose/weight group

ggplot(tr, aes(x=WT,y=DV)) + 
  geom_point() +  facet_wrap(~dosegr) +
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Density plots of day 10 concentrations in the two dose/weight groups

ggplot(tr,aes(x=DV,fill=factor(dosegr))) + 
  geom_density(alpha=0.5) +

5 Summary

This example illustrated how to code a population PK model in mrgsolve format, create input data sets with varied dosing and covariate values, simulate, and plot some results. I also hope this example illustrates the design priorities for the mrgsolve workflow: we always try to leverage existing functionality available in R (such as dmutate, dplyr and ggplot) rather than re-creating our own inside the mrgsolve package. This might require you to write some more code, but ultimately it gives greater flexibility to get the simulation that you need for your project.

We regularly do work with models that are more complicated and design simulations that have bigger demands than this example here. We’d be happy to discuss more-complicated applications that you might be needing for your project work. For now we hope this example will give you some ideas how you can add complexity to your simulation project today.