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Re-scale time in the simulated output


tscale(x, value = 1, ...)



model object.


value by which time will be scaled.


not used.


There is also a tscale argument to mrgsim() that can be set to accomplish the same thing as a call to tscale in the pipeline.


# The model is in hours:
mod <- mrgsolve::house()

# The output is in days:
mod %>% tscale(1/24) %>% mrgsim()
#> Model:  housemodel 
#> Dim:    481 x 7 
#> Time:   0 to 5 
#> ID:     1 
#>     ID    time GUT CENT RESP DV CP
#> 1:   1 0.00000   0    0   50  0  0
#> 2:   1 0.01042   0    0   50  0  0
#> 3:   1 0.02083   0    0   50  0  0
#> 4:   1 0.03125   0    0   50  0  0
#> 5:   1 0.04167   0    0   50  0  0
#> 6:   1 0.05208   0    0   50  0  0
#> 7:   1 0.06250   0    0   50  0  0
#> 8:   1 0.07292   0    0   50  0  0