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The goal is to take a series of event objects or data frames and combine them into a single data frame that can be passed to data_set().


as_data_set(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'ev'
as_data_set(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'data.frame'
as_data_set(x, ...)



an ev object or data frame.


additional ev objects or data frames.


A data frame suitable for passing into data_set(). The columns will appear in a standardized order.


Each event object or data frame is added to the data frame as an ID or set of IDs that are distinct from the IDs in the other event objects. Note that including ID argument to the ev() call where length(ID) is greater than one will render that set of events for all of IDs that are requested.

When determining the case for output names, the case attribute for the first ev object passed will be used to set the case for the output data.frame. In the event x is a data frame, the case of special column names (like amt/AMT or cmt/CMT) in the first data frame will be assessed and the case in the output data frame will be determined based on the relative numbers of lower or upper names.

To get a data frame with one row (event) per ID, look at expand.ev().


a <- ev(amt = c(100,200), cmt=1, ID = seq(3))
b <- ev(amt = 300, time = 24, ID = seq(2))
c <- ev(amt = 1000, ii = 8, addl = 10, ID = seq(3))

as_data_set(a, b, c)
#>    ID time  amt ii addl cmt evid
#> 1   1    0  100  0    0   1    1
#> 2   1    0  200  0    0   1    1
#> 3   2    0  100  0    0   1    1
#> 4   2    0  200  0    0   1    1
#> 5   3    0  100  0    0   1    1
#> 6   3    0  200  0    0   1    1
#> 7   4   24  300  0    0   1    1
#> 8   5   24  300  0    0   1    1
#> 9   6    0 1000  8   10   1    1
#> 10  7    0 1000  8   10   1    1
#> 11  8    0 1000  8   10   1    1

d <- evd(amt = 500)

as_data_set(d, a)
#> 1  1    0 500   1    1
#> 2  2    0 100   1    1
#> 3  2    0 200   1    1
#> 4  3    0 100   1    1
#> 5  3    0 200   1    1
#> 6  4    0 100   1    1
#> 7  4    0 200   1    1

# Output will have upper case nmtran names
  data.frame(AMT = 100, ID = 1:2), 
  data.frame(amt = 200, rate = 5, cmt = 2)
#> 1  1    0 100    0   1    1
#> 2  2    0 100    0   1    1
#> 3  3    0 200    5   2    1

# Instead of this, use expand.ev
as_data_set(ev(amt = 100), ev(amt = 200), ev(amt = 300))
#>   ID time amt cmt evid
#> 1  1    0 100   1    1
#> 2  2    0 200   1    1
#> 3  3    0 300   1    1